
Yes, I have feelings for you. But, I will never see you again, I can feel it in my bones. It is hard to accept..

Perhaps those feelings were an attraction to the qualities I admire in you..

  • To live in the moment
  • Not to fear being yourself
  • Not to fear anyone
  • To make no apologies for your thoughts and actions, provided they are pure, genuine and do not harm others
  • To engage with my culture, religion an heritage
  • To keep an open and enquiring mind, never judging
  • To have fun, for life is short.

Thank you for teaching me these lessons. Thank you for shaping me as a person.

You are a beautiful person, I will always love you and I will never stop. But, you’re not the only hero in this world, darling, because I can be my own.

Our time together was short, but precious. Once, it was hard to accept that I will never meet you again, but now I hope it comes true, so I can imbibe these qualities into my being.

I hope one day that I no longer miss you like I do right now, I hope the memories make me smile, and I become the person I admire today.

Always, with Love.

The Fair Tanzanian


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