Lotus Kisses

We are two people in an empty room

Furnished with people.

Talking for hours,

That feel like mere seconds,

Feeling overwhelmingly drawn to each other.

Sharing laughter.

Our minds connecting.

He comes for a kiss.

The magic and sparkle

Walt Disney would should try and trump this story, for

The lungs require his air alone.

Wanting only those beautiful kisses

For a lifetime.

Giving into him,

Without hesitation

Every mark he makes is permanent.

Feeling locked and

Happy with the permanency.


When the kisses draw to a close,

Whilst being held securely in his arms..

Enveloped in each other

As a lotus

At the height of intimacy

He asks you with such purity..


“How come we wasted all that time talking?”


Despite the wisdom of age,

You don’t believe the true meaning of his words.






You foolish child.





Yes, I have feelings for you. But, I will never see you again, I can feel it in my bones. It is hard to accept..

Perhaps those feelings were an attraction to the qualities I admire in you..

  • To live in the moment
  • Not to fear being yourself
  • Not to fear anyone
  • To make no apologies for your thoughts and actions, provided they are pure, genuine and do not harm others
  • To engage with my culture, religion an heritage
  • To keep an open and enquiring mind, never judging
  • To have fun, for life is short.

Thank you for teaching me these lessons. Thank you for shaping me as a person.

You are a beautiful person, I will always love you and I will never stop. But, you’re not the only hero in this world, darling, because I can be my own.

Our time together was short, but precious. Once, it was hard to accept that I will never meet you again, but now I hope it comes true, so I can imbibe these qualities into my being.

I hope one day that I no longer miss you like I do right now, I hope the memories make me smile, and I become the person I admire today.

Always, with Love.

The Fair Tanzanian